We looked at the calendar and realized there are fantastic Holidays, from so many amazing cultures, to celebrate all year, so why not? Bet there's more than one crafter out there who enjoys making things related to holidays throughout the year, so LETS SHARE the fun.
You and your partner will decide what holiday you want to create for, BUT it has to be celebrated in the months of February and March (No making Halloween pumpkin earrings just yet!).
Some suggestions are:
·Ground Hog Day - Feb 2
·Chinese New Year - Feb 10
·National Foundation Day (Japan) - Feb 11
·Mardi Gras thru Feb 12
·St Valentine's Day - Feb 14
·National Flag Day (Canada) - Feb 15
·Do a Grouch a Favor Day - Feb 16
·International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day - Feb 23(my personal favorite)
·Purim - Feb 23-24
·Saint David's Day (Wales, UK) - March 1
·Barbie's Birthday - March 9
·Commonwealth Day (UK) - March 11
·St. Patrick's Day - March 17
·Feast of St. Joseph (Italy) - March 18
·Big Bird's Birthday - March 20
·Greek Independence Day - March 25
·Start of Passover - March 25
·Easter - March 31
Feel free to use your own or choose from the above list, as We DID NOT make any of these up!Finished items should be mailed to your partner by February 23rd, and the reveal will be on March 16th. No problems, right? Plenty of time to create, between shoveling the piles of snow, or at least blowing the leaves off the driveway.
To sign up please reply via email, to marshellswaps@gmail.com, with your name, mailing address, blog URL, and if you are willing to ship internationally, as in the past (Even you repeat
Happy Ground Hog Day (and all the rest)!