Here we are having come full circle. Sally's Focus had brought so much joy and excitement through out the year, and I don't really want to say good-bye. Growing up I only had a brother ~ no sisters. You all know by now I have two daughters, and love the special bond they have. But now due to Sally and you all, I have so many because of the sharing we have had. My dearest and sincerest ~ THANK YOU!
I won't say Good-bye to any of you, and hope that we continue what we started a year ago, so as my parting gift I leave you one more prose that I wrote.
A Memory Box
In the dark and musty corner of the attic is a tightly bound box. How long has it been there? Who hid it away so that it would not be found until a curious mind came across it? Do I have the right to open it? Was it for me to find? Now?
Why had my brothers and I not seen it before? We spent so many hours up here, play acting, exploring each find like treasures from a sunken pirate ship. Did we not want to see it, or were we so busy in our own lives that it seemed too inconsequential? Just a box with strong twine saying I have been here, and will always be. Something makes me not want to open it, even though a deeper feeling says I must. The cord is tight and with a fierceness that prevents my hands from undoing it. It does finally give out, and allows me entry into the neatly wrapped contents within.
A quilt of old sailcloth from years gone by, sewn in squares that tell the story of a rugged life, each by hand but with wisdom to be passed to the next generation.
A housewife’s duster of faded pale pink flowers, with delicate lace on the collar, white pearl buttons down the front, that almost brings back the fragrant aroma of the pies grandma would bake.
A uniform cap, still starched stiff, lying flat now, but once folded and worn with a fierce pride in the work that mom had always dreamed of doing.
A satin pouch, cinched at the top, and embellished with tiny pearls, some glaringly missing, holding within it a neatly folded hankie of fine white linen, with blue initials embroidered on it.
A baby blanket of the softest yarn, in what would today be called neutral colors, but back then colors of hope, and deepest love. Only this one seems never to have been used. Was it for our older sister, we never had the chance to meet?
Pairs of white shoes, of sturdy leather, high on the sides, soles barely worn, reminders of the tiny feet that wore them, long since grown. They were, each in their own, firsts of the many others to come, sneakers, patent leather flats, ballet slippers, pumps with heels high enough to cause weak ankles to bend, baseball cleats, combat boots.
A mortar board. Which one of us wore it, and threw it high in the air, with all the anticipation of a life on our own? It being a symbol of our life of independence, a future yet to be lived, but why so important to the one who put it in the box?
At the bottom, holding all the others up, is a delicate, but intricately woven piece of strength. A tapestry rests, not big, but grand in its beauty, a mural of the soul who wove it. Fibers from the edge, color faded, worn with age, unraveling in spirals that have long been impressed into them. All the colors of the spectrum, some standing alone, as if reflections of once in a lifetime moments, some muted, as though just barely meant to be seen, others often repeated to give unity to it all. Where did it originally hang? Was it never meant to be displayed, or was it always in the open, we just had not seen?
On Life - Week 46 - Reflect
How does Sally always know what is on my mind? Reflection has been the biggest part of what has been taking up so much of mine lately. I have enjoyed the photo journey we have been having all year. Due to rapidly deminishing abilities of my body to get around as I would like, and not wanting to bore you with pictures of the "same old, same old", I have turned my thoughts to the other love I have had throughout my life. Writing, not that I am the next Pulitzer Prize winner, by any means, but it has always kept my mind active.
This is my offering for Week 46 of Reflect (sorry I have been MIA for the past couple, but literally had nothing to offer.) It is a true story of my much younger life and I humbly submit it for you now.
The Christmas Pencil
It was the Holiday Season of my last year in nursing school. As upper classmen, my fellow classmates and I were enjoying the perks given to this stage in our development toward Graduate Nurses. My block of friends and co-strugglers on our journey had started our pediatric rotation. Not one we relished, since it meant working with sick kids during the time meant for them to be home and enjoying their families, more than any other time of the year.
Rising to the occasion, our Clinical Advisor gave us a challenge. The four most coveted days of the rotation, for being “off”, were Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. She knew we all wanted them, something that could not be, so she offered barter. If just one of us volunteered to work one of each of the four, the rest of the block would be off the schedule. It sounded great until it was time for hands to be raised. I can’t recall, but doubt, there were any benevolent takers, which led her to plan B.
Just as a person determined not to be swayed from accomplishing her task, she put everyone’s name in a bowl, and drew out four of them. The classroom was quiet as many silent prayers were offered up. Of course, she had a caveat to her rules. If each of the four did not fulfill their assignment, the entire deal was off and everyone would be on full schedule for the remaining days.
Now you know I had never won anything in my life before that day, but oh yes, I won the grand prize. Assigned to Christmas Day! It meant I had Christmas Eve off to spend with my family, but then I would have to leave early to get back to the residence before curfew. I, one of the only ones with no car, and parents who did not drive, left wondering how much earlier I would have to leave with public transportation being on a holiday schedule.
The snow started falling early that December 24th, slowly and softly as it always did, causing excitement in the sure prospect of a White Christmas. Throughout the day it built up more and more, getting the neighborhood kids giddy, but not so with me. How bad would the roads get? Will the shortened holiday bus scheduled be cut even more? Would I be stranded at home that day? A scary thought, more so in the fear of the retribution I would be facing for causing the “Holiday Schedule Deal” to go down in flames, than the road conditions. And so it happened, a check on the phone to the transit service confirmed my nightmare in the middle of the day. All service cancelled.
My hand still on the phone, thinking of my next call to the school to tell them of my unappreciated predicament, and seeing my classmates’ faces, froze my fingers from dialing. Instead, I did what I considered the ultimate sacrifice and called for a taxi. The residence was a mere 10 miles, and 20 minute drive on a normal day. That day, in all its splendid whiteness, which seemed to grey out as the hour ticked by, the mercifully empty but eerie roads, and the houses all lit with the joyful colors of the season, seemingly not as bright as I had noticed before, left me at the door, empty of wallet, and holiday cheer as the driver wished me the same. I picked up some snow, formed a tight ball and flung it to nowhere, thinking it felt more like a lump of coal than what it was.
Midnight Mass came soon, which the nuns, who ran the hospital and school, certainly expected those of us in residence to attend, without question. I can still recall the priest praising the few student nurses in the pews for our sacrifice in being present to those suffering in the hospital, but it didn’t seem noble to me. I had no choice. The after Mass repast of warm apple cider and cold ham and cheese sandwiches set out for us, by the appreciative nuns, did nothing to improve my mood.
Morning Line Check was cancelled, another gift from the nuns, seemingly to give us some extra free time, but in my mind, they didn’t want to have to go through the mundane on a day when they had other Holiday happenings to accomplish. Sure, extra time for me to contemplate the happy faces of my family waking at home, sans me, to all the joys of Christmas morning. I walked the empty halls, and rode the elevator to the pediatric floor, in my noiseless white shoes, thinking of the others not there, who were enjoying the same waking, and finally deciding I was being the noblest of all.
Once on the floor, I strode up to the charge desk, and mumbled Merry Christmas to the Charge Nurse, another recent graduate who would be assigned to passing out meds, and the cherubic Nurse Aide who had spent many a year on that Pediatric wing, and was treasured by all for her devotion to it, who happily responded to me. One look at the bed check list and my thoughts turned back to darkness. A board that was almost always filled to capacity had only three names. An asthmatic child admitted the evening before, who most likely would be discharged that day, a young boy, still recovering from too recent surgery, and Linda. With three professionals to cover them, was I really needed?
The Charge Nurse instantly recognized in my face, the resignation to my fate and said as soon as I finished my assignment, I could leave early, instead of staying the whole shift. Gee, another expensive cab ride home! My assignment, Linda, was in the room directly off the nurse’s station with a window on the wall so as to keep its occupant in constant view. All who worked at that time knew of her story.
Linda was a sweet, honey haired, blue eyed girl with a smile that would light up any room, from the picture of her mom and her, sitting on her bedside cabinet. Unfortunately she didn’t resemble that picture now. Drawn, pale and devoid of hair, shaved after unsuccessful surgery to remove a tumor, and still in a coma afterwards, she seemed almost lost in the bed sheets. Resigned, I set to my tasks, checking each piece of medical equipment, making sure they were all in functioning order, tidying up the room, from the obvious visitor’s trappings of the day before, and gently giving her a bed bath, and back rub, prior to placing crisply laundered sheets on her bed.
I talked to her constantly, not so much for her sake, or to keep my mind on my duties, but rather to keep the tears that wanted so easily to well up. I told her what I was doing each step of the way. I talked about the pile of presents sitting next to a miniature tree on the counter, each wrapped by a dear family member, who so hoped she would have the chance to enjoy them. I talked about the bright and sunny day made even brighter glistening off the new snow.I talked of the group of boys outside her window, giddy with excitement, with what was obviously a very timely Christmas gift of a new sled, and sliding over and over down the hill.
Just as I was finishing up smoothing out the blanket on her bed, I heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway. A small group of Brownies appeared at Linda’s door. Faces, smiling at first for finally finding someone after passing several empty rooms, changed to trepidation about entering a room so full of frightening looking machines and medical equipment. Their leader said they had the idea to bring simple Christmas gifts to those less fortunate. I thanked each one for their sweet concern, reached out and took their offering.
It was one of those fat, striped pencils with a plastic Santa on the top where the eraser normally would be. As they continued on their way, I stared down at it, and thought, “Well, isn’t this just what she needs?” Wanting to put it aside, I looked over to Linda and saw that her eyes were opened, and she too was attempting to see it. I could not decide what to do. Should I run and tell the Charge Nurse to call her family and tell them of their Christmas miracle, or pick up the pile of presents and plop them down on her bedside table so she could take them all in. I held that pencil up instead, so she could get a clearer look, and asked, “You like this?” In an almost whisper of a voice, and with the slightest of a smile on her face, she replied, “I’m gonna give it to my brother. He loves to draw.”
I still don’t know if it was a taxi, mass transit, or a cloud of awakening that brought me back home that day, but as I opened each of the gifts, meant so lovingly for me by my family, my only thoughts were of a pencil. In the years that followed, each of my children in turn, found a fat, striped pencil with a plastic Santa on the top where the eraser normally would be, in their stocking. A gift not so much for them as for me, since I am sure they did not realize the significance behind it.
I write this story now, so that they will know, and perhaps continue my Christmas Miracle with their children.
Now please take some time to visit the others in this weekly blog hop at: The Studio Sublime.
Hey guys, I've got some real exciting news to share with you. I am sitting here in this really high chair, that has my own personal table stuck to it. It really makes a fun sound when I bang on it, over and over, and it gets EVERY ONE'S attention.
Right now though, the really pretty lady put a bunch of these circlie things on it and just left them there. She doesn't usually let me "go for it" on my own, but she did this time. You know what? Besides playing around with them, and pushing them off on to the floor, and if you can manage it and get them into your mouth ~ YUMMY! I prefer the three finger grab (less chance of losing it), but even two fingers work, once you get them all slobbered up.
I know the pretty lady likes what I am doing, 'cause she is smiling so big, and she must like the circlie things TOO. She's sitting right next to me, with this upside down hat, half full of them, and that wonderful white stuff she puts in my bottle, and eating right along with me.
I like when she is close to me. I like when she puts me in the big silver thing full of wet stuff, and doesn't get mad that I splash it all over her. I like when she rubs the creamy stuff all over me, 'cause her hands are so soft and warm. I like when she smiles right back at me when I laugh or giggle. I like when she nibbles my toes. I even like (well, gets me a little frightened) when she picks me up in the air and puts my face right down next to hers. I like when she puts me up on her shoulder, 'cause my head seems to fit there so perfect. It is so comfortable that I like lying there falling asleep to the sound of her heart beating with mine.
I LOVE that I always will be there.
My Best Shot ~ Now please take some time to visit the others in this weekly blog hop at: The Studio Sublime.
Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime fame created a challenge for us to design jewelry using cabs, and today is the reveal day. She was kind enough to share wonderful tutes on how to bead around them, and I am sure you will see some wonderful examples among the great artists in the list below.
For me, beading has never been my thing. I am a polymer clay person, first, last, and always. So I pulled out some trusty colors, and canes and started my adventure this way.
It was not difficult for me to gather my supplies and create several items to be used in this challenge.
The millefiori cab I teased with, a red, white and silver combination lentil cab,
and example of one of the pillow cabs I made with a kaleidoscope cane.
Cabs made, but now how to create jewelry with them? I honestly did not cheat and poke, drill or otherwise make holes in them (as much as I was tempted) and decided to go with bezels and metal backings for them.
One of the pillow cab, attached to a Vintage silver cross which
has patina to match and a pin backing.
The elongated lentil cab attached to a simple gold bezel with pin backing.
The millefiori cab on a silver bezel which has been attached
to two layers of ruffled ribbon on this bracelet.
The earrings and pendant are attached to antique silver findings.
Silver beads are attached to the corner of each pillow cab.
Well, in the interest of total disclosure, I did poke holes for the final bracelet, but I am not including it in the entries for this challenge, just a finishing piece for the necklace and earrings in the set.
Please visit all the other creative entries in Sally's wonderful Challenge Blog Hop
When Erin Prais-Hintz offered this blog hop, my first thought of writing about a Staycation, was to talk about the town of Lodi, NJ, where my husband and I lived, and raised our 5 children, for 30 years. It is a typical urban suburb, just a short trip over the George Washington Bridge to the most exciting city in the world, NYC. It is small, very inconspicuous, and many people had close family ties (Italian, and YES, That Family). The running joke was there were more banks in Lodi than anything else, because “long term” residents needed a place to keep their stash. But that wouldn’t be true to you today. We have lived in Longwood, FL for 14 years, and it as different from Lodi, as night is to day. It is also a suburb of a larger city. About a 30 minute drive from Orlando, FL with its well know tourist attractions of WDW, Universal Orlando, and SeaWorld, but that is the only similarity.
Longwood’s Historic District encompasses roughly 190 acres and has 37 contributing structures. It became part of the National Register of Historic Places in October 1990. Describing this area as “quaint” would be a major understatement. In addition to the Longwood Hotel, the Historic District boasts a handful of historic structures, including the 1873 Inside Outside House (now home to a small business called Culinary Cottage), the 1879 Christ Episcopal Church and the 1885 Bradlee-McIntyre House, a former winter cottage and fine example of Queen Anne-style architecture. The Historic District also contains City Hall and a number of city administration buildings, as well as a new 10,000-square-foot, $1.4-million Community Building. In addition, a couple of specialty stores and boutiques can be found here.
One of the major goals of city officials is to attract more residents and visitors to this charming area. However, the Historic District remains a work in progress. (the above information taken from
A crane at the stream in our backyard
I live in the unincorporated area of Longwood, to the west of the actual city. It was once part of sprawling orange groves; until a major developer bought it all in the 70’s and set out to develop several housing areas, which he named Sable Point, and Sweetwater Oaks.
A visitor to my window
Turkey family out for the day
Unlike the developments of today, the ground was not plowed to nothing and then cookie cutter homes placed on the property as close to maximum capacity as possible. Each owner was given the option to customize their home as they wished and to today, that remains an important part of keeping its desirability in the area.
Tortoise pair. frequently seen in the same area as alligators
Yes, we have these visitors too, pic courtesy of a neighbor
There are ponds, a beachfront lake, and streams throughout the complex, and trees everywhere, including on the islands that divide the roads running through it. Wekiva Springs Rd is the main one, homage to the Indian tribes who originally owned it, and our street runs off it near the end of the development.
What, do you ask, is on the other side? Less than a half mile away, it backs to Wekiva State Park, hence some of our frequent visitors seen here.
Out for a stroll
Just finishing breakfast
I created this necklace to represent the rustic feel of this area, including the many oak trees, bodies of water and beauty of mother nature, which is all around us.
Focal by Jeannie K Dukic
Thank you for coming to visit our little corner of the world. We love it here, and if you should ever come to visit for real, am sure you would too. For now, follow this link to Erin's Treasures-Found blog to continue your journey.
I just had to add this note. As I sit here, getting around to hopping around the world, through this blog hop, most of the dogs in the neighborhood started there call to order. The reason ~ another one of our burly, 4 footed, black haired visitors is casually lumbering though our backyards, oblivious to the racket he is causing, and many stares he is also getting. They are truly incredible creatures.
I had so much to choose from when it came to "raiding" my hoarder box, but the problem was selecting just the right components that would go well together. I know I wanted to start with the beautiful lampwork bead from JulsBeads with all the varied colors in the flower. A natural progression was to this rose from B'sue, which I painted (and repainted).
Wire wrapped leaf from
Heidi Klingman, My Bead Therapy
Brass leaf from B'sue Muse Box
I also hoard metal components, so my next "raid" was for a fantastic wire wrapped leaf I had received from Heidi Klingman, and then something to go with the rose. Now I know oak leaves and roses are not always thought of together, but I made them work after adding gold leafing to the rose and patina to the leaf.
As I mentioned, the rose took several layers of acrylic paint to achieve the look I was going for, but the patina on the oak leaf brightened it up just right. Thank goodness for E6000, which brought them together.
I linked the wire wrapped leaf and lampwork bead onto a single jump ring and then covered it with one of my polymer clay roses, done in a pattern mimicking the Lucite rose I painted. Then a faceted briolette added to the bottom of the lampwork bead and my focal was ready.
I love the look of necklaces with multiple chains, and decided this one would need 3 due to the size of the focal and accent rose. Two were identical, which I weaved fringed ribbon and sari silk into, on opposite sides, and the third much finer and brighter to compliment the wire wrapped leaf. The ribbon is pink and red to connect the rose and the lampwork bead, and the multicolored sari silk was "just 'cause" (blame the muse). You will see why I mention this in a bit.
Anyone who knows my work, is aware that I LOVE flowers, and tend toward them in creating my polymer clay beads. My other love is to mimic the look of lampwork beads, with my clay (since I have no talent in lampworking).
This is what developed at my clay table.
After bending 18g brass into several figure 8 shapes and hammering it flat, it was time to add the flowers and link the focal and rose together. Now, this is where the reference to the multicolored and pink and red ribbons come in. My daughter (the ultimate critic) said it needed more. So more it was.
I strung Swarovski crystals in pink and red on one strand, and the closest colors I could find to match the ribbon on another, and wove them into and around the flowers. A few more biolettes at the base of the loops, and my project was finished.
This is by far the most elaborate piece I have ever done, and hope you agree that it does justice to my hoarded beauties.
Ms Lori Anderson sure knows how to hold a blog hop, so without further ado, please visit all the others listed below, even if it takes you a while. Thanks again to our wonderful Hostess: