A while ago I signed up to answer questions for the Polymer Clay Collective Conversations on Facebook. It got postponed, but the day is finally upon us, so here goes:
• Tell us a bit
about where you live
I live in Longwood, Fl, although the first 50 years of my life were spent in New Jersey, and no I don't have breathing problems.
• What do you
do when you're not polymer claying?
My other interests are eclectic. I have a patio of orchids that I have loved tending to, several of which have won ribbons at my local Orchid Society.
Currently I am deep into writing, working on the next Great American Novel (doesn't everyone dream of doing this some day?)
• What did you
want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
Easy one! I am the kid who immediately undressed her dolls, so she could bandage them up. Then I grew up and became an RN.
• Tell us
something about yourself that we don't know.
A lot of my husband and my extra time is taking care of my invalid brother, who lives with us. Something in our genes won't allow any family member get put into a Nursing Home. I love my husband even more for his devotion to my family.
• Tell us your polymer
clay story: What made you first try polymer clay and how long has PC been part
of your life?
Another easy one! A dare got me started. My son and daughter-in-law got involved with making polymer creations on a retail basis, and at one point I suggested they branch out into jewelry. His reply was "No, why don't you." That was about 5 years ago.
• What's your
favorite PC technique?
Off the top of my head I would say the most fun is the Natasha effect, because the final result is always such a surprise, but lately I am loving the antiquing and aging effect of all of the patinas available, and playing with them.
• What are your
art/design inspirations?
Hate to be as redundant as with everyone else, but it has to be mother nature. Imitating it, capturing it, being captivated by the best artist around.
• Show us
something you’ve made with polymer clay.

This was a donated prize to my local Garden Society
• [Additional question from the preceding featured member]
What is your favorite polymer clay style to work in? from Andrea Glick
I can honestly say I don't have a favorite. I kind of go with the flow. When the muse strikes I just follow it.
A PC replication of one of my orchids A faux antique porcelain technique |
Thanks for taking the time to read a little about me (It's a miracle you are, because I hate talking about myself).
To the next glutton for punishment, I ask:
Do you create just for yourself and friends, or do you sell? If you do sell, please share your best advice for others to read. Thanks in advance.